Research tells us that people gain expertise through repeated practice and regular feedback. But for evaluators, there are few opportunities to practice our craft without jumping headfirst into a real-world evaluation.

For many evaluators—especially those new to the field—professional learning takes the form of short, one-off workshops. And while these workshops can bring valuable insights, they don't always prepare us to apply what we've learned. At the other end of the spectrum are formal university degrees, which offer extensive academic training, but can be time and resource heavy.

We complement these approaches by creating opportunities for evaluators to gain new skills, practice those skills, and get feedback on their progress in a cost-effective, low-risk environment. With increasingly complex practice and feedback, we help new and experienced evaluators build the confidence they need to successfully apply new skills, moving our members towards practical evaluation expertise -- faster.

We are beta testing a number of practice-oriented evaluation training modules. Contact us to take part or for more information.